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Tamar Dudauri


At the same time, the effectiveness of the management of innovative processes is determined. The importance of science and technology activities, which translate knowledge and information into a final product, is underpinned in the innovation process. Delaying the introduction of the volume, which for evaluations of the effects of the management of the innovative processes in the social-economic system, does not necessarily use the specific analytical subdivision with the additional quantitative and quantitative quantities? Innovation system Georgia has been analyzed and certain tendencies have developed.Over the past decade, it has become increasingly apparent that innovation potential is a determining factor in assessing the competitiveness of a country's economy.This determines the state of the country in the global market. The global innovation index is used to assess the level of innovative development of a country. Georgia has improved its ranking in the Global Innovation Index over the past three years. It is also important to note that the outflow of innovation during these three years has always outweighed the influx.

Based on the analysis of the state policy in the field of innovation, we can note that a number of fundamental legislative acts have been adopted over the years, aimed at activating the innovative sphere. Techno parks and innovation centers, etc. have been established on the basis of normative acts. Nevertheless, no significant progress has been made in this area.

World experience shows that the state plays a key role in the implementation of the innovation strategy, as it combines personnel, education and science.

Problems that hinder the development of innovative economy in Georgia include:

• Low level of demand for innovative products;

• Insufficient amount of funds;

• Lack of qualified staff;

• Distrust of company staff;

• Technological market underdevelopment;

• Low level of science funding from the state budget;

• Lack of informal investor network;

• Low levels of crowdfunding as a tool for attracting cash.

• Lack of inventions;

The article discusses ways to overcome these problems and outlines the main directions of development.


Thus, in order to solve the problems of innovative development, it is necessary to stimulate the demand for scientifically based products that are of higher quality, have a higher price and provide greater profit for the enterprise. This can ensure the growth of consumer demand in the context of structural modernization of the state economy. If this happens throughout the country, we can expect growth in national income and sustainable economic development. The solution of the above problems allows Georgia to intensify innovation processes and increase Georgia’s competitiveness, taking into account the global challenges of the modern world economy, which will increase the living standards of the population, and Georgia will be able to take its rightful place among European countries.

ანოტაცია. წინამდებარე სტატიაში გაანალიზებული  საქართველოს ეკონომიკის სტრუქტურული ტრანსფორმაცია დარგობრივ ჭრილში.  ძირითადი ყურადღება გამახვილებულისაქართველო-ევროკაშირს შორის გაფორმებულ ასოცირების ხელშეკრულება, რომლის ერთ-ერთ მთავარ მოთხოვნას წარმოადგენს მცირე და საშუალო მეწარმეობის პოლიტიკის განხორციელება მცირე ბიზნესის პაქტის გათვალისწინებით.